PRAYER SUPPORTThank the Lord for this opportunity to share His love with our community.  Thank Him for the means and volunteers that willingly give to carry out His plans. 

COMMUNITY ADVERTISEMENT: Place posters in commercial windows within our community at the beginning of December.


TABLE SETUP: Sunday, Dec. 17th after Sunday School.  Set up 37 tables, 256 chairs.


DECORATING AND SETTING TABLES: Wednesday, Dec. 20th at 9:00am


TURKEY PREPARATION:  Pick up frozen turkeys on Sunday, Dec. 17th.  Roast and Return Friday, Dec. 22 by 10:00AM.


DRESSING PREPARATION:  Pick up frozen dressing on Sunday Dec. 17th.   Bake and Return Christmas morning.


FOOD PREPARATION:  Prepare menu items in church kitchen on Saturday, December 23rd at 9:00 AM.


IN HOME HELP:       

  • Bake Turkey and return to church Friday 22nd
  • Bake Prepared Dressing, bring on 25th morning
  • Make Desserts and bring Sunday, 24th


9:00 - 11:00 AM:  Delivery organization.


MEAL DELIVERY:  10:15 to 11:00- Deliver meals to shut-ins and/or those unable to drive to the Activities Building. 


GUEST SERVICE:   Help guests to tables and assisting with drinks, desserts, and clearing tables.


IN KITCHEN:  Serving at food window in the kitchen.


GREETERS:  Welcome at the door and direct to food line.


HOSPITALITY:  Move from table to table welcoming and conversing with guests as they eat and relax.


ENTERTAINMENT:  Share some Christmas music or talent with guests.    


CLEANUP:  Take down tables, chairs, or kitchen clean-up


WHERE NEEDED:  If you can serve “where needed”, the Steering Committee will have flexibility in its efforts to fill all positions.