We are in such a unique time.  At FBC Benton, we realize the tension that exists between the desire to be safe and protect those around us along with the desire to be together and worship.  In an effort to maintain a healthy balance, here are the guidelines we have put in place.

  • Our 8:30 a.m. service meets in the gym.  We have chairs spaced out around the room to make sure that we are maintaining our 6 ft. distance.  
  • The 10:45 a.m. service meets in the sanctuary.  Specific rows are roped off so we can safely distance. 
  • Masks and hand sanitizer are available at each entrance.  
  • Masks are not "required" but are recommended as you come and go throughout the building.  Once at your seat, you can feel free to remove your mask.
  • We do not do an official "meet and greet" where we shake hands, hug and get close to each other.
  • Offering plates are not passed around the room.  Instead, offering buckets are placed at each exit.
  • Our children and youth Sunday School classes take precautions to make sure we are distanced and safe.  
  • Our Wednesday night programming is set up and designed where we are within the guidelines established.  Our children and youth are socially distanced and numbers are limited to make sure we are keeping our kids safe.

The bottom line is that we want you to feel safe when you choose to come and worship with us.  Right now, we are under the guidelines of 60% capacity and 6 ft. distance.  As these guidelines are changed, we will adjust our guidelines accordingly.  We are looking forward to the day when both services can be back in the sanctuary, when we can greet each other with a hug, and when we can not feel the "concern" of this pandemic.  That day will come, but until it does, we will continue to exercise caution as we meet.