Easter Sunday

What an exciting time it is to celebrate our Risen Savior.  Easter Sunday, April 4, is going to be a special day as we worship the Lord.  I hope you will make plans to attend on this special day.  Not only do I hope you attend, but I hope you will plan to invite a friend to join us.   See below for the activities of the day.

Worship Service

8:30 (gym)  11:00 (sanctuary)

We are excited to worship our Risen Savior and this service will be all about celebrating the fact that our King is alive.  Both services will be identical with the only difference being the location.  

sunday school


For the adults, we have a Sunday School class for you.  We have classes for all ages and we would love to see you join us at 9:45 for Sunday School.  The kids will be participating in an Easter Egg Hunt that will tie into the Sunday School lesson.  Each age group will be taken out separately so we can social distance well.  This will be a special time for the kids and families.


We will have a backdrop all set up and will even have the photographer on hand to get your Easter family photo.  FBC will provide a complimentary 5x7 of your photo.  Make plans to be here and join in the events of day.  Family pictures will be taken between 8:00-11:00.