Isn’t this a wonderful time of year?  Many of our thoughts and plans begin to center on all the ways we can give thanks to our Heavenly Father for his love and care. Plus, there are many opportunities to consider for sharing that love and caring with our family and friends and community. 


We have begun plans for the 15th Community Christmas Dinner on Dec. 25, our church’s gift to the community.   Please consider volunteering for this.    We will follow the same plan from last year so please start to consider how you can help out.  Click below for areas you can volunteer for as well as a link to volunteer online. 

What is our reason for having this dinner?   First of all, God’s great love for us leads us to love other people.   If we actively share love with others, they accept and return that love.   And sharing that source of our love with them can lead them to God’s love.  It’s a circle.  So we offer this dinner to share God’s love – God’s provision of Baby Jesus our Savior, and our congregation’s  extension of that love to all through our Christmas Dinner Celebration.


All of these thoughts are in preparation for the organization of our Community Dinner on Christmas Day.  What will you volunteer to do this year?  We will be following the same plans from previous years:  Table setup after Sunday School December 17, decoration and food preparation that week, serving the meals on Monday, Dec. 25, placing notices around the community, roasting turkeys at your homes, baking prepared dressing at your homes, making yummy homemade desserts, welcoming and assisting guests as they come, serving food and drinks, assisting with taking down and cleaning up when it is all done. 


It’s a very big, wonderful celebration of sharing with the community! And it requires a lot of help.  Please consider how you can participate.    Each year we are amazed at all the volunteers and happiness that makes this such a success.  Thank you for all your support.  If you have any questions, you can contact   Karen Postma    270-559-0186